THE BASICS: Managing Moments of Crisis

We all have difficult moments and we need to develop tools and a game plan for caring for ourselves through those moments before they a fire drill. Learn our Stop, Breath & Assess model for coping with high distress and mental health crisis.

This webinar is apart of THE BASICS series. You'll learn:

  • How to identify signs of high distress and crisis
  • How to implement strategies to pause, regulate distress, and evaluate both the situation, and what you need
  • How to identify and be able to access crisis resources (e.g. crisis hotline and text line)
  • additional sources of support during crisis

Hi! I’m Dr. Mishelle,

I’m passionate about these courses and I’m on this journey with you! I have over 15 years of experience working with college students, professors, athletes, executives, entrepreneurs, creatives and activists. I specialize in Black mental health and wellbeing, trauma, and high-performance strategies.

Here’s what I know...We’re showing up. We’re doing amazing things. AND behind the scenes we’re struggling with a lot of the same things. In my counseling work with individuals and consulting with universities, corporations and community organizations I found myself teaching the same basic skills and it became clear to me that these are fundamental skills we all need to thrive in the intense and demanding work we do.

Nobody teaches us basic mental health skills, and especially not the skills to navigate intense and highly competitive careers and achievement settings. (Not to mention, the added stressors that come with navigating those spaces as a Black person.) This online learning community is my love letter to Black ChangeMakers. This is my plea to US to shift from success narratives that aren’t serving us. This is my call to us to heal and grow together. This is how we create the maximum amount of change.